I am a PhD student in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (DCMB) at the University of Michigan (U-M). I am a member of the Machine Learning in Neurosurgery Laboratory, led by Dr. Todd Hollon. My research focuses on computer vision, machine learning, and biomedical data science. I am especially interested in representation learning and integrating observations from multiple modalities. Previously, I completed a joint BSE/MSE degree program in Computer Science and Engineering at U-M, where I also played tenor saxophone in the Michigan Marching Band.

Recent Publications

ARXIV | 2024

A self-supervised framework for learning whole slide representations

Xinhai Hou *, Cheng Jiang*, ..., Honglak Lee, and Todd C. Hollon


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | NIH/NINDS F31NS135973 | December 2023

University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School | April 2022

National Science Foundation | March 2021

University of Michigan Marching Band | May 2019

University of Michigan EECS Department | March 2019

University of Michigan | March 2017


Summer Program @ University of Michigan

Summer 2022 | Summer 2021

ENGR 101 @ University of Michigan

Introduction to Computers & Programming

Winter 2021 | Fall 2020 | Winter 2020 | Fall 2019